
OmniOutliner OPML to Markdown

Posted by @pdavisonreiber, Last update about 6 years ago

This script takes an OPML file exported from OmniOutliner and turns it into a markdown file with the specified depth of headings. Use the share sheet in OmniOutliner to copy the OPML file to Drafts, then run the action.

Lines with a depth greater than the maximum heading depth are converted to markdown lists with the appropriate level of indentation.

Currently does not support notes. Pull requests welcome.


  • script

    // OmniOutliner OPML to Markdown
    var inputDraft = draft
    var prompt = Prompt.create()
    prompt.title = "Heading Depth"
    prompt.message = "Enter the highest level of Markdown heading that you would like to appear in the draft."
    prompt.addTextField("headingLevel", "", "", {placeholder: "Must be at least 2", keyboard: "numberPad"})
    var didSelect =
    class Line {
    	constructor(str) {
    		if (/text=\"(.+)\"/.test(str)) {
    			this.text = /text=\"(.+)\"/.exec(str)[1]
    		} else {
    			this.text = ""
    		this.styledText = ""
    		this.hasChild = !str.includes("\/")
    		this.isOutdentLine = str.includes("\/outline")
    		this.level = 0
    		this.isHeading = false
    	setLevel(precedingLine) {
    		if (precedingLine.hasChild) {
    			this.level = precedingLine.level + 1
    		} else if (precedingLine.isOutdentLine) {
    			this.level = precedingLine.level - 1
    		} else {
    			this.level = precedingLine.level
    	static styleText(line, headingDepth) {
    		if (line.level == 0) {
    			line.styledText = "\n\n\n" + "## " + line.text + "\n"
    		} else if (line.level <= headingDepth) {
    			line.styledText = "\n" + "#".repeat(line.level + 2) + " " + line.text + "\n"
    			line.isHeading = true
    		} else if (line.text != "") {
    			line.styledText = "\t".repeat(line.level - headingDepth - 1) + "- " + line.text
    if (didSelect) {
    	var headingDepth = prompt.fieldValues.headingLevel - 2
    	if (headingDepth >= 0) {
    	} else {"Please enter a number greater than or equal to 2")
    } else {
    function processDraft(headingDepth) {
    	strs = inputDraft.content.split("\n")
    	lines = new Array()
    	for (index = 0; index < strs.length - 1; index++) {
    		if (strs[index].includes("outline")) {
    			lines.push(new Line(strs[index]))
    	outputDraft = Draft.create()
    	outputDraft.content += "# "+ /<title>(.+)<\/title>/.exec(inputDraft.content)[1]
    	for (index = 0; index < lines.length; index++) {
    		if (index > 0) {
    			lines[index].setLevel(lines[index - 1])
    		Line.styleText(lines[index], headingDepth)
    		if (lines[index].text != "") {
    			outputDraft.content += lines[index].styledText + "\n"
    	outputDraft.content = outputDraft.content.replace(/\n\n\n/g, "\n\n").trim()
    	draft.isArchived = true


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