New Note in Bear
Posted by @mattbirchler,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Add a note to Bear with a title (required), tags, pin to the top, and of course all the content you would like.
First line of your draft will be the Bear note title.
Write “pin” on a subsequent line to pin it to the top.
Use a dash to indicate tags (can be comma separated)
All content should be placed below 3 dashes (—)
var arr = draft.content.split("\n"); var baseURL = "bear://x-callback-url/create"; var addLink = CallbackURL.create(); addLink.baseURL = baseURL; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // Title if (i == 0) { addLink.addParameter("title", arr[i]); } // Tags else if (arr[i].slice(0,2) == "- ") { addLink.addParameter("tags", arr[i].slice(2,100)); } // Pin it else if (arr[i] == "pin" || arr[i] == "Pin") { addLink.addParameter("pin","yes"); } // Content else if (arr[i].slice(0,3) == "---") { var the_content = ""; var count = i + 1; for (counter = count; counter < arr.length; counter++) { the_content += arr[counter] + "\n"; } addLink.addParameter("text",the_content); } }; // open and wait for result var success =;
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.