Create filtered copy
Posted by derick,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Creates a copy of the current draft containing lines that match a string or regex. Copy will have the same tags and syntax as the original. Optionally add a tag with the filter.
Aspires to grow up to be grep.
// See online documentation for examples // var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Filter"; p.addTextField("f","",""); p.addButton("Enter"); p.addSwitch("tagit","Add filter: tag?",true); p.addSwitch("regex","Use Regular Expressions?",true); if ( { var dc = draft.content.split("\n") if (p.fieldValues["regex"]) { var f = RegExp(p.fieldValues["f"]); dc = dc.filter(s => f.test(s)); } else { var f = p.fieldValues["f"]; dc = dc.filter(s => s.includes(f)); } // copy over tags and add filtered tag var d=Draft.create(); d.content=dc.join("\n"); d.languageGrammar = draft.languageGrammar; var ft = "filter:"+(p.fieldValues["f"]) if (p.fieldValues["tagit"]) { d.addTag(ft); } draft.tags.forEach(t => d.addTag(t)); d.update(); editor.load(d) }
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