Drafts 5 JavaScript API list
Last update
over 6 years ago
Creates a new sheet listing the Object method and property names of the Drafts 5 JS API
(function () { const main = () => { const g = this, ks = keySort( Object.keys(g).filter(k => k !== '$') ); // NEW DRAFTS 5 SHEET; // POPULATED WITH LISTING OF OBJECTS PROPERTIES AND METHODS // IN THE DRAFTS 5 JAVASCRIPT INTERFACE editor.setText( => { const o = g[k], c = o.constructor, t = typeof c, blnC = t !== 'object', noise = ['constructor','prototype'], nest = Object.getOwnPropertyNames( blnC ? ( o ) : o.constructor.prototype ).filter(x => !noise.includes(x)), rest = blnC ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames( o.prototype ).filter(x => !noise.includes(x)) : [], fs = nest.concat(rest); return k + '\n' + (fs.length > 0 ? ( keySort(fs).map(s => ' ' + s).join('\n') ) : ''); }).join('\n') ); }; // NEW SHEET LISTING OBJECTS PROPERTIES AND METHODS // OF THE DRAFTS 5 JS API const keySort = xs => { const ys = xs.slice(0); return ( ys.sort((a, b) => { const la = a.toLowerCase(), lb = b.toLowerCase(); return la < lb ? -1 : la > lb ? 1 : 0; }), ys ); }; const showJSON = x => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2); // ------------------------------- return main(); })()
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