Posted by @olivierg,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Extended Drafts: a collection of utilities for Drafts scripts, mostly aimed at generating actions and importing them in Drafts.
Meant to be used via “Include Action” action step.
// ED stands for Extended Drafts class EDUtils { static buildUUID() { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16).toUpperCase(); }); } static toBoolean(value, defaultValue) { return (typeof(value) == typeof(true)) ? value : defaultValue; } static escapeQuote(str) { return str.replace(/"/g, '\\\"'); } static includeScript(path) { var fm = FileManager.createCloud(); var code =; return eval(code); } } class EDPrompt { static confirm(title, message, button) { var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = title; p.message = message; p.addButton(button); return; } static choice(title, message, choices) { var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = title; p.message = message; choices.forEach(c => p.addButton(c)); if ( return p.buttonPressed; else return false; } } class EDAction { constructor(name, options) { if (options == undefined) options = {}; this.uuid = EDUtils.buildUUID(); = name; this.description = (options.description != undefined) ? options.description : ""; this.icon = (options.icon != undefined) ? options.icon : ""; this.tintColor = (options.tintColor != undefined) ? options.tintColor : "none"; this.steps = []; } addStep(step) { this.steps.push(step); } get jsRepresentation() { return { uuid: this.uuid, name:, actionDescription: this.description, icon: this.icon, tintColor: this.tintColor, steps: => s.jsRepresentation), shortName: "", shouldConfirm: false, disposition: 3, keyCommand: { optionKey: false, input: "", controlKey: false, commandKey: false, type: "action", discoverabilityTitle:, shiftKey: false }, logLevel: 2, notificationType: 2, keyUseIcon: false, visibility: 2, supportedPlatform: "any", groupDisposition: 0 }; } get json() { return JSON.stringify(this.jsRepresentation); } get url() { return "drafts5://action?data=" + encodeURIComponent(this.json); } addToDrafts() { return app.openURL(this.url); } static script(name, options, dependencies, script) { var a = new EDAction(name, options); if (!Array.isArray(dependencies)) dependencies = [dependencies]; dependencies.forEach(d => a.addStep(EDActionStep.includeAction(d))); a.addStep(EDActionStep.script(script)); return a; } static includeScript(name, options, paths) { var a = new EDAction(name, options); a.addStep(EDActionStep.includeAction('EDAPI')); if (!Array.isArray(paths)) paths = [paths]; paths.forEach(p => a.addStep(EDActionStep.includeScript(p))); return a; } } class EDActionStep { constructor(type, data) { this.uuid = EDUtils.buildUUID(); this.type = type; = data; } get jsRepresentation() { return { uuid: this.uuid, type: this.type, data: }; } static script(script) { return new EDActionStep("script", { script: script }); } static includeScript(path) { return EDActionStep.script("EDUtils.includeScript('" + path + "');"); } static includeAction(name) { return new EDActionStep("includeAction", { name: name }); } static url(template, options) { if (options == undefined) options = {}; return new EDActionStep("url", { template: template, useSafari: EDUtils.toBoolean(options.useSafari, true), encodeTags: EDUtils.toBoolean(options.encodeTags, true) }); } static callbackURL(template, options) { if (options == undefined) options = {}; return new EDActionStep("callbackUrl", { template: template, waitForResponse: EDUtils.toBoolean(options.waitForResponse, true), encodeTags: EDUtils.toBoolean(options.encodeTags, true) }); } }
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