
Add Single Thing

Posted by @nahumck, Last update about 6 years ago

Send a single task with a note to a specific area in a prompt.


  • script

    // Single Task script
    // List of specified areas
    var areas = [
    // If text is selected, use as task name
    // Otherwise, leave it blank
    var sel = editor.getSelectedText()
    if (sel.length == 0) {
    	var task = "";
    else {
    	var task = sel;
  • script

    /* ---- Prompt ---- */
    var p = Prompt.create();
    p.title = "Task to Things";
    p.addTextField("task", "Task", task, {"autocapitalization":"sentences"});
    p.addTextView("note", "Note", "", {"autocapitalization":"sentences","height": 50});
    p.addSelect("area", "Area", areas, [""], false);
    p.addDatePicker("when","When", new Date(), {"mode":"date"});
    p.addButton("Send to Things");
    var con =;
  • script

    // Action if prompt is run
    if (p.buttonPressed == "Send to Things") {
    	// Pull values from prompt
    	var task = p.fieldValues["task"];
    	var note = p.fieldValues["note"];
    	var area = p.fieldValues["area"];
    	var when = p.fieldValues["when"];
    	// Create task for Things
    	var todo = TJSTodo.create();
    	todo.title = task;
    	todo.when = when;
    	todo.notes = note;
    	todo.list = area;
    	todo.tags = ["Singles"];
    	var container = TJSContainer.create([todo]);
    	// Use CallbackURL object to open URL in Things.
    	var cb = CallbackURL.create();
    	cb.baseURL = container.url;
    	var success =;
    	if (success) {
    		console.log("Task created in 	Things");
    	else {;
    else {


  • After Success Nothing
    Notification Error
    Log Level Error
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