Draft Modifier…
Posted by @nahumck,
Last update
over 6 years ago
This is a single action that contains the following actions:
• Remove Blank Lines
• Remove Duplicate Lines
• Split Draft at Cursor
//Draft Modifier Key var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Select Command"; p.addButton("Remove Blank Lines"); p.addButton("Remove Duplicate Lines"); p.addButton("Split Draft at Cursor"); var con =; if (con) { //Remove Blank Lines from draft if (p.buttonPressed == "Remove Blank Lines") { draft.content = draft.content.replace(/$\s*\n+/gm, "\n"); draft.update(); } // Remove dulicate lines from draft if (p.buttonPressed == "Remove Duplicate Lines") { var lines = draft.content.split("\n"); var newLines = []; for (var ix=0; ix<lines.length; ix++) { var line = lines[ix]; if (newLines.indexOf(line) == -1) { newLines.push(line); } } draft.content = newLines.join("\n"); draft.update(); } //Split Draft at Cursor if (p.buttonPressed == "Split Draft at Cursor") { var before = draft.content.substring(0, draft.selectionStart); var after = draft.content.substring(draft.selectionStart); if(before.length == 0 || after.length == 0) { stopAction(); } //update current draft with text before cursor draft.content = before; draft.update(); //create new draft with text after cursor var d = Draft.create(); d.content = after; d.update(); } } else { context.cancel("cancelled by user"); }
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