Posted by chronologos,
Last update
almost 5 years ago
Post to Beeminder
Update multiple data points simultaneously using a drafts note. First line must be # Beeminder Template
. Each line after that represents a single goal to update in the format goal datapoint comment
. Comment may be left out. e.g. sleepmore 1
base_url = "" var credential = Credential.create("Beeminder", "Salvation for akratic data nerds."); credential.addTextField("username", "Username"); credential.addPasswordField("auth_token", "Auth Token"); // Populate from credential.authorize(); function main() { text = editor.getText() var lines = text.split("\n"); if (lines[0] != "# Beeminder Template") { alert("not the correct template") return } for (let line of lines.slice(1)) { dp = parseLine(line) updateOne(dp[0], dp[1], dp[2]) } } // returns datapoint which is array[3] of (string goal, int datapoint, string comment) function parseLine(l) { token = l.split(" ") if (token.length == 2) { token.push("") // Empty comment } if (token.length != 3){ throw "Malformatted line, stopping here" } return [token[0], token[1], token[2]] } function exclude(goal) { return goal.charAt(0) == "#" } function includeOne(goal) { return goal.charAt(0) == "*" } function updateOne(goal, val, comment) { if (exclude(goal)) { return } req = { "url": base_url+"/users/"+ credential.getValue("username")+"/goals/" + goal + "/datapoints.json", "method": "POST", "data": { "value": val, "comment": comment, "auth_token": credential.getValue("auth_token") }, "headers": { // "auth_token": extra_headers["auth_token"] } } http = HTTP.create(); var response = http.request(req); if (response.success) {} else { alert("req " + JSON.stringify(req) + " failed with status: " + response.statusCode + " error msg: " + response.error); } } main()
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