Posted by RoyRogers,
Last update
about 5 years ago
debug.js function to log to external file
Captures console.log() to file in iCloud Drive.
// debug.js // RV 2020-03-07 at 23:07 // Function to log to external file // Captures console.log() to file in iCloud Drive. // load js library from iCloud drive: // require('debug.js'); // USE THIS at start of code!! // insert next line anywhere in code for debug: // console.log(11, 'sample', 108, etc); // line # first! // supply line number first, and then any variables // separated by commas. // Copy script below to iCloud Drive: // as '/Drafts/Library/Scripts/debug.js' // ------------- start of file ------------------ // debug.js // Captures console.log() to file: var captLog = ''; var clearLog = true; // clear log on first run (function(){ var oldLog = console.log; console.log = function (message) { captLog =, '\n\t'); oldLog.apply(console, arguments); writeLog() }; })(); function writeLog() { // function to send log to external file const now = new Date(); const tm = now.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); let msg = 'line: ' + captLog; let shortMsg = msg.split('\n\t').join(': ').slice(0, 20); // For interactive log, use either (or none) of these two lines: // app.displayInfoMessage(shortMsg) alert(msg) let path = '/debug_log.txt'; let fm = FileManager.create(false); log = fm.readString(path); if (clearLog) { log = tm + msg; // new log clearLog = false; } else { log = log + '\n' + tm + ': ' + msg; // append to log } let success = fm.writeString(path, log); } // -------------- end of file -------------- // Sample. To be used anywhere in code: // code … console.log(60, 'sample: open this script for instructions!', 108, ['string', 15, false]); // code …
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