Send Tasks to Focus
Posted by jochi,
Last update
almost 5 years ago
Add the selected text or entire contents of the draft to Focus.
- Draft (or current selection) will be added as a tasks in Focus.
- Unformatted text, simpletask, and markdown list items will be added as tasks
- Markdown headings, struck-out, completed simpletask items, and empty lines will be ignored.
Supported Parameters
- Markdown links are recognized and will be linked in Focus, e.g.
[Task to do](omnifocus:///task/123456)
- By default, each task will link back to the source Draft
Estimate Examples
- Minutes: @estimate(10m) will be interpreted as 10 minutes
- Sessions: @estimate(2s) will be interpreted as 2 sessions
- Text following the pipe character “|” will be stored in the Notes of the Focus task
const d = draft; const task_list = d.processTemplate("[[selection]]"); const base_url = "focusapp://add"; const source_url = d.processTemplate("[[draft_open_url]]"); const estimate_regex = /@estimate\((\d+)(.)\)/; var link_url; var tasks = task_list.split(/\n/).reverse(); for (var task of tasks) { if (task.match(/(^#)|(^\s*$)|(^- \[x\])|(^- [.] $)|(.*?~~.*?~~.*?)/)) { // ignore lines that are struck out, have completed tasks, or are markdown headings or empty continue; } else { task = task.replace(/^- (\[ ] )?(.*)/,"$2"); var estimate = task.match(estimate_regex)[1]; // If there is an estimate assign for inclusion var unit = task.match(estimate_regex)[2]; // Get the unit console.log(task.match(estimate_regex)[1]+task.match(estimate_regex)[2]); var note = task.split(/\|/)[1]; // If there is a note, assign for inclusion task = task.replace(/ @estimate\(.*?\)/, "").replace(/\|.*/, ""); // Delete estimate tag and note if (task.match(/\[.*?\]\(.*?\)/)) { link_url = getLink(task); task = task.replace(/\[(.*?)\]\(.*?\)/,"$1"); } else { link_url = source_url; } var cb = CallbackURL.create(); cb.baseURL = base_url; cb.addParameter("title", task); cb.addParameter("sourceURL", link_url); var session_type = (unit == "m") ? "minutesEstimate" : "sessionEstimate"; if (unit) { cb.addParameter(session_type, estimate); } if (note) { cb.addParameter("note", note); } // open and wait for result var success =; if (!success) { if (cb.status == "cancel") { context.cancel(); break; } else {; break; } } } } var focus_start = CallbackURL.create(); focus_start.baseURL = "focusapp://start-timer"; let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Start Session"; p.message = "Do you want to start a Focus session?"; p.isCancellable = true; p.addButton("Start Session", 1); let didSelect =; if (p.buttonPressed == 1) {; } function getLink(task) { return task.match(/\((.*?)\)/)[1]; }
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.