Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
about 5 years ago
Decode selected text with options. Choose to URL decode, unescape HTML entities, Base64 or ROT13 decoding the string.
The result can replace the current selection, be placed in the clipboard, or opened as a new draft.
//rot13 methods const alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split(""); const rot13Alphabet = "NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm".split(""); function rot13(str) { let index = x => alphabet.indexOf(x); let translate = x => index(x) > -1 ? rot13Alphabet[index(x)] : x; return str.split('').map(translate).join(''); } function rot13Decrypt(s) { let result = ""; for (let x=0; x<s.length; x++) { for (let y=0; y<alphabet.length; y++) { if (s[x]==alphabet[y]) { result+=rot13Alphabet[y]; } } if(s[x]==" ") { result+=" "; } } return result; }
// prompt for options and run let f = () => { let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Decode Selection"; p.message = "Decode the text selection"; p.addSelect("op", "Type", ["URL Decode", "Unescape HTML Entities", "Base64 Decode", "ROT13 Decode"], ["URL Decode"], false); p.addSelect("output", "Output", ["Replace selection", "Clipboard", "New draft"], ["Replace selection"], false); p.addButton("Decode"); if (! { return false; } let selection = editor.getSelectedText(); const op = p.fieldValues["op"]; if (op == "URL Decode") { selection = decodeURIComponent(selection); } else if (op == "Unescape HTML Entities") { selection = HTML.unescape(selection); } else if (op == "Base64 Decode") { selection = Base64.decode(selection); } else if (op == "ROT13 Decode") { selection = rot13Decrypt(selection); } const output = p.fieldValues["output"][0]; switch(output) { case "Replace selection": editor.setSelectedText(selection); break; case "Clipboard": app.setClipboard(selection); break; case "New draft": let d = Draft.create(); d.content = selection; d.update(); editor.load(d); break; } return true; } if (!f()) { context.cancel(); }
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