Update tags w/ predef tags stored in iCloud
Posted by sorashima,
Last update
over 5 years ago
Modified “Update tags…” action to save pre-defined tags in iCloud.
const FILEPATH = "/predefinedTagsCloud/predefinedTags.json"; // read predefined tags from JSON file in iCloud let fmCloud = FileManager.createCloud(); let content = fmCloud.readString(FILEPATH); if (content.length == 0) { content = JSON.stringify([]); fmCloud.writeString(FILEPATH, content); } let baseTags = JSON.parse(content); let currentTags = draft.tags; let allTags = baseTags.concat(currentTags).concat(Draft.recentTags()); let selectableTags = Array.from(new Set(allTags)); let nextAction= "assign"; do { switch (nextAction) { case "assign": nextAction = assignTags(); break; case "predef": nextAction = managePredefTags(); break; } } while (nextAction != "Finish"); function assignTags() { let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Assign tags to draft"; p.addSelect("tags","", selectableTags, currentTags, true); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) p.addTextField("additionalTag" + i, "Other", "", {"placeholder": "one tag"}); p.addButton("Update", "update"); p.addButton("→Manage predefined tag mode", "predef"); let nextAction = "Finish"; let cancelled = !; switch (true) { case (p.buttonPressed == "update") : { let selectedTags = p.fieldValues["tags"]; for (let tag of currentTags) { draft.removeTag(tag); } for (let tag of selectedTags) { draft.addTag(tag); } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (p.fieldValues["additionalTag" + i] != "") draft.addTag(p.fieldValues["additionalTag" + i]); draft.update(); break; } case (p.buttonPressed == "predef") : { nextAction = "predef"; break; } } return nextAction; } function managePredefTags() { let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Manage predefined tags"; selectableTags.forEach(tag => p.addSwitch(tag, tag, baseTags.includes(tag))); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) p.addTextField("additionalTag" + i, "Other", "", {"placeholder": "one tag"}); p.addButton("Save", "save"); p.addButton("→Assign tags to draft mode", "assign"); let nextAction = "Finish"; let cancelled = !; switch (true) { case (p.buttonPressed == "save") : { let selectedTags = selectableTags.filter(tag => p.fieldValues[tag]); let tagsToSave = selectedTags; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (p.fieldValues["additionalTag" + i] != "") tagsToSave.push(p.fieldValues["additionalTag" + i]); let lowertagsToSave = => tag.toLowerCase()); content = Array.from(new Set(lowertagsToSave)); // write predefined tags to JSON file in iCloud fmCloud.writeString(FILEPATH, JSON.stringify(content)); break; } case (p.buttonPressed == "assign") : { nextAction = "assign"; break; } } return nextAction; }
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