Select Tagged Draft
Posted by @mattgemmell,
Last update
over 4 years ago
Allows choosing from a list of drafts whose tags conform to the expression:
(a AND b AND c) AND (x OR y OR z)
(Edit the Define Template Tag step to specify tags to filter the list of drafts.)
name tag_filter
template AND: dev OR: ideas documentation
var rawTags = draft.getTemplateTag("tag_filter"); var requiredTags = [], optionalTags = []; var tagsMatch = rawTags.match(/AND:\s*(.+)\s*/i); if (tagsMatch) { requiredTags = tagsMatch[1].trim().toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); } tagsMatch = rawTags.match(/OR:\s*(.+)\s*/i); if (tagsMatch) { optionalTags = tagsMatch[1].trim().toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); } // Get drafts with the required tags. var candidateDrafts = Draft.query("", "all", requiredTags, [], "accessed", true, false); // Exclude those without at least one of the optional tags. var matchingDrafts = []; for (var thisDraft of candidateDrafts) { for (var tag of optionalTags) { if (thisDraft.tags.includes(tag)) { matchingDrafts.push(thisDraft); continue; } } } if (matchingDrafts.length > 0) { var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Choose a Draft to Open"; p.message = requiredTags.join(" AND ") + "\nAND (" + optionalTags.join(" OR ") + ")"; let ix = 0; for (var thisDraft of matchingDrafts) { p.addButton(thisDraft.displayTitle, ix); ix++; } if ( { var selectedIndex = p.buttonPressed; editor.load(matchingDrafts[selectedIndex]); } } else { app.displayInfoMessage("No drafts match the criteria."); }
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