Action blog post publish
Posted by piranha,
Last update
about 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Fixed url generation for case when you want to publish in a top directory of the repo.
Stores a file in Github repo (edit variables in beginning of a script to alter repo and path inside that repo).
Feel free to adapt to your own workflow. Read more about it.
Comment at the top of the file contains more information about configuration.
/* Create a .md file in Github repo To configure, edit REPO, SOURCE, PATH and SITE. All of them are subject to string formatting, so you can use following macros for dynamic URL generation: * {year} - four-digit year * {month} - two digit month (from 01 to 12) * {day} - two digit day (from 01 to 31) */ /**** Configuration */ // Repository name on Github var REPO = 'piranha/'; // Where should the file be saved, directory inside repository with site sources var SOURCE = 'src'; // Site domain var SITE = ''; // Path inside source directory *AND* path on site. NOTE: Should they be different?.. var PATH = 'blog/{year}'; // Github API base var BASE = ''; /**** Connection */ var http = HTTP.create(); var credential = Credential.create('Github', 'Insert Github API token from' + ' (when creating new, add full repo control to allow writing to repos)'); credential.addTextField('token', 'Personal access token'); credential.authorize(); var TOKEN = credential.getValue('token'); /**** Utils */ function pad(i) { return (i < 10 ? '0' : '') + i; } function format(s, data) { return s.replace(/\{([^\}]+)\}/g, function(match, k) { return data[k]; }); } // TODO: translit? function getSlug(content) { var slug = content.match(/^slug: (.*)$/m); if (slug) return slug[1]; var title = content.match(/^title: (.*)$/m); if (!title) throw 'Unknown title!'; var slug = (title[1] .toLowerCase() .replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, '-') .replace(/^-|-$/g, '')); return slug; } function req(method, url, data) { console.log(method + ' ' + url); var res = http.request({ method: method, url: url, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'Authorization': 'token ' + TOKEN }, encoding: 'json', data: data }); if (res.responseText) = JSON.parse(res.responseText); return res; } function urlformat(/* ...bits */) { var d = new Date(); var bits = [], function(x) { return !!x; }); return format(bits.join('/'), {year: d.getFullYear(), month: pad(d.getMonth() + 1), day: pad(d.getDate())}); } /**** Logic */ function main() { var content = draft.content; var slug = getSlug(content); var url = urlformat(BASE, REPO, 'contents', SOURCE, PATH, slug + '.md'); var b64 = Base64.encode(content); var res = req('GET', url, null); console.log('GET response: ' + res.statusCode //+ ' ' + res.responseText ); if ((res.statusCode == 200) && ( != 'file')) { throw 'Target file exists, but is not a file: ' +; } else if (res.statusCode == 200) { res = req('PUT', url, { message: 'Update post from ' + slug, content: b64, sha: }); } else { res = req('PUT', url, { message: 'New post from ' + slug, content: b64 }); } console.log('PUT response: ' + res.statusCode + ' ' + res.responseText ); var result = urlformat(SITE, PATH, slug, ''); app.setClipboard(result); } main();
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