Zapier: Catch Hook Example using Credentials
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Example script demonstrates how to trigger a Zap at which has a “Catch Hook” trigger. This will prompt you to add a Catch Hook URL copied from the first time it is run. This URL will be stored as a credential.
To reuse this action for multiple zaps, duplicate it and edit the zapIdentifier
var in the first script step to be a different unique identifier for each zap.
/* Change these values as needed */ // Can be any string // Pick something to identify credential // used with this action in Settings > Credentials const zapIdentifier = "Zapier-Example";
// authorize credential to load hookURL var credential = Credential.create(zapIdentifier, "Paste catch hook URL from Zap configuration at"); credential.addURLField("hookURL", "Hook URL"); if (credential.authorize()) { const hookURL = credential.getValue("hookURL"); alert(hookURL); // Setup data you want passed to the Zap // Default pass title, body and full content of draft // Other values could be passed var data = { "title": draft.title, "body": draft.processTemplate("[[body]]"), "content": draft.content } // create HTTP and make POST request to Catch Hook var http = HTTP.create(); var response = http.request({ "url": hookURL, "method": "POST", "data": data, "headers": { "Accept": "application/json" } }); // log result console.log("HTTP Status: " + response.statusCode); console.log("HTTP Response: " + response.responseText); // if not 200 OK, fail the action // Otherwise Zapier successfully received post if (response.statusCode != 200) {; } else { console.log("Zap triggered"); } } else { context.cancel(); }
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